Monday, April 26, 2010

My Code of Television Production Ethics

The Following is a list of important ethics that I believe everyone should follow when working in the television industry:

  • Do not encourage or convince subjects to act differently on camera than how they would normally act.

  • Always get written permission from anyone you film even if it was only a quick appearance on the tape.

  • Do not edit tape in a way that makes someone appear differently in a documentary than they would in real life.

  • Do not lie to a subject regarding the topic of the documentary that they will be in.

  • The documentary should be 100% truthful in all aspects and not misrepresent a person, idea, or belief in any way.

  • Do not sneakily tape a subject when he or she does not want to be filmed. You should respect the privacy of everyone and make sure not reveal somebody’s identity who wants it concealed at any time during production.

  • If a dramatization or reenactment must be performed during the documentary make sure sub titles identify it. Never show a reenactment and act like it was the real thing.

  • Everyone working on the documentary should each be given specific jobs. No one person should work harder than the others even if they are more experienced in the field of documentary production.

  • Do not try to make “good TV” and attempt to make something look more dramatic and exciting by altering the environment or by using editing tricks

  • All costs should be split equally among the members of the documentary production group whether it is costs regarding gas for traveling or equipment.

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